From Pakistan for further education to Beckum and Rheine

The German dual vocational training system enjoys high global recognition and many countries are  interested in implementation the system or parts of it in their own country.

The German dual vocational training system enjoys high global recognition and many countries are  interested in implementation the system or parts of it in their own country.

The Kreishandwerkerschaft Steinfurt-Warendorf has a large experience in the field of vocational education and training and together with the GIZ (German Agency for International Cooperation) they work on a pilot project "Germany Pakistan Training Initiative" (GPATI), in which the model of cooperative vocational training will be tested. The aim is to support the renewal of apprenticeship training in Pakistan towards a cooperative training with the economy and the companies with strong participation. 

Within this project the Kreishandwerkerschaft Steinfurt-Warendorf is currently carrying out a training in automotive mechatronics in their training centers in Beckum and then in Rheine with 12 Pakistani teachers and trainers from Lahore and Karachi.

The mayor of the city Beckum Dr. Karl-Uwe Strothmann took the opportunity to welcome the guests from Pakistan in the first week of their stay at the Kreishandwerkerschaft in the town hall of Beckum.

Welcome of the 12 participants from Pakistan by the major of Beckum Dr. Karl-Uwe Strothmann